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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Cochlear Implant Surgery update

My health insurance denied the surgery. I half-expected this, as SUS the Brazilian health system is covering it. Meeting to set a surgery date on Sep 23.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Why? or How?

"Why" questions can send us in circles, but "How" questions can lead us out to the Light. 'Why is my prayer life a mess" ends up as a blame game, however "Lord teach us how to pray.." is a question God answers! Reframe your "Why" question (about the problem) as a "How" question (about what is the solution) and you will move forward! --John Edmiston via Facebook

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Only Serve Him

Christianity is not a promise to people that if they are good, rule-obeying Christians, no harm will ever come to them.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

US Trip

I will be in Baton Rouge from September 12th to 23rd, for my mother’s surgery. I am looking for two different opportunities to preach on Sep 18th while I am there.

Mother’s Surgery

On September 14th, my mother is going to have a surgery on her spine to prevent permanent paralysis. Please pray for her.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Beyond Outreach: About Me in 2011

Blogged: Beyond Outreach: About Me in 2011: "These blogs are a hobby of mine. I have a history of updating them in spurts, and taking long unannounced breaks when other projects come up..."

Cochlear Implant Update

I met with the Brazilian One Health System dr today and filed all of the exams and paper work needed to be approved for a Cochlear Implant. Now I am just waiting for a date to be set.