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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hospital Trip

Yesterday afternoon, my wife Loaise was not well and was taken to the hospital. We stayed until midnight. Pray for her to feel better.

The Big Lie

Rebellion against God promises a feeling of life, but it never delivers. Instead, it brings shame. If this is you, go to the one who bore our shame. He is the source of life. Jesus will forgive you and restore you today.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Four Books I Really Want to Read

These are the four books I’d most like to read. Not in the budget right now, but looking forward to reading them one day.

  1. Faith Soaring Churches – George W Bullard, Jr.
  2. Viral Churches – Ed Stetzer and Warren Bird
  3. Miraculous Movements – Jerry Trousdale
  4. The Permanent Revolution – Alan Hirsch

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Blogged on Stephen's Cochlear Implant: New Mapping

Blogged on Stephen's Cochlear Implant: New Mapping: Yesterday I went in for a new mapping on my cochlear implant. I did not get a copy of my hearing tests, so I will post them later...

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Got My Attention – May 22

Here are the five blog entries that most grabbed my attention during the past week.

  1. Advise from a Christian Pedophile: “I do believe that both homosexuality and pedophilia are disordered desires which are not consciously chosen and must be faced by many people who wish they would go away.  
  2. Who’s Killing our Congregation?: After the first generation of a congregation’s life, an increasing number of not so hidden people may actually be trying to kill the congregation. Often they do not realize they are undermining its health.
  3. So.. You Wanna Design Your Own Apps? You want to create apps? Whether it's something basic like just appifying your blog or literally building something from the ground up, there are some pretty easy ways to create apps.
  4. Add a Free Forum to your Blogger Blog. I used this to install a forum on a free church website based on blogger. Very easy to do. I started putting a site together for Calvary Baptist in Denham Springs–Steve
  5. Scripture… As We Live It #209 Nevertheless Unfortunately, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away it would be much better if I could stay with you, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you But, since I cannot stay with you, I guess I will send the Helper, who will be almost as good as having me with you physically. (John 16:7 re-mix)

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Ken Keathley on The Southern Baptist Convention

[The Southern Baptist Convention] is not a denomination in the traditional sense of the word. The SBC and its entities exist for the sole purpose of enabling Baptist churches to collectively obey the Great Commission. People without Christ are lost. They are not simply prospects. They are persons for whom Christ died.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Death of a Friend

A good friend of ours died last night after a month in the hospital. We will miss him. We thank our Lord Jesus Christ that there is a resurrection.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I say Superhero

I just saved a corrupted excel file for my wife’s company. I had to search the internal .xml code for an error, and fix it. I can’t believe I was able to do that. Does that make me a nerd or a superhero?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

I am far away from my mom today. Last time I was with her for Mother's Day I gave this message at Calvary Baptist in Denham Springs. "Mother's Day Message, 2 Kings 4"

Thursday, May 10, 2012

New Post on the Bible Storying Blog

Posted on my Bible Storying Journal "And the Kingdom Grows" These home bible studies tend to yield a family of new Christians in about three months time.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Our Computer is Back

Our notebook is back from the shop. It took about a month to fix it seems. They lost the battery to it. Other than that it seems to be working great.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Back from Rio

All went well in the trip to Rio. Nilson´s new American passport should arrive by mail in a few weeks. Now on to the Brazilian one.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


I am buying a few boxes of Bibles. If you want to help, use the button on my site. $10 = 2 bibles. Please consider donating and do so by Wednesday.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Trip to Rio

We are going to make a quick trip to Rio de Janeiro and renew Nilson's USA passport. He is 5 years old now and both his passports are expiring. The Brazilian one we can renew here in the city. Back on Tuesday.

Friday, May 4, 2012

General Update

Our computer should be back by Tuesday, so blogging will resume next week. I went deaf again in my right ear, but my hearing with the cochlear implant continues to improve. Our church retreats were very special times and God did a work in many lives.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Best of Times, Worst of Times.

God is faithful and every evil and ill worked by man, devil, or nature can be repurposed to glorify God and expand the salvation Jesus has given.